
Barn \Barn\, n. A child. See {Bairn}. [Obs.] [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • barn — BARN, barni, s.m. Unitate de suprafaţă, de 10 24 cm2, în fizica nucleară. – Din fr. barn. Trimis de paula, 05.04.2002. Sursa: DOOM  barn s. m., pl. barni Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic  BARN s.m. ( …   Dicționar Român

  • barn — barn·brack; barn; barn·ful; barn·man; barn·storm; mil·li·barn; barn·storm·er; …   English syllables

  • barn — [ barn ] n. m. • 1950; mot angl. ♦ Métrol. Unité de mesure de superficie (symb. b) utilisée en physique nucléaire (10 28 m2). ● barn nom masculin (de l anglais big as a barn, grand comme une grange) Unité d aire, valant 10−28 m2, utilisée pour… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Barn — (b[aum]rn), n. [OE. bern, AS. berern, bern; bere barley + ern, [ae]rn, a close place. [root]92. See {Barley}.] A covered building used chiefly for storing grain, hay, and other productions of a farm. In the United States a part of the barn is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Barn — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El barn (símbolo b) es una unidad de superficie, equivalente a 10 28 m². Sus múltiplos son muy utilizados en física de partículas para medir las secciones eficaces en reacciones nucleares, y sus inversos para medir… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Barn — Barn, v. t. To lay up in a barn. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] Men . . . often barn up the chaff, and burn up the grain. Fuller. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • barn — O.E. bereærn barn, lit. barley house, from bere barley (see BARLEY (Cf. barley)) + aern house, metathesized from *rann, *rasn (Cf. O.N. rann, Goth. razn house, O.E. rest resting place ) …   Etymology dictionary

  • barn — [bärn] n. [ME < OE bern, berern < bere,BARLEY + ærn, house: see REST1] 1. a farm building for sheltering harvested crops, livestock, machines, etc. ☆ 2. a large building for streetcars, trucks, etc. 3. [arbitrary use, from phr. as big as a… …   English World dictionary

  • Barn — barn. m. Fís. Unidad de medida de la superficie de choque en reacciones nucleares. Equivale a 10 28 m2. (Símb. b). * * * El barn (símbolo b) es una unidad de superficie, equivalente a 10 28 m². Sus múltiplos son muy utilizado …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • barn — [ barn ] noun count ** a large building on a farm where animals, crops, or machines are kept were you born/raised in a barn? SPOKEN a humorous way of telling someone to shut the door after they come into a room or building => DOOR …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Barn — Sm Krippe, Heustock per. Wortschatz obd. md. (8. Jh.), mhd. barn (barm, baren), ahd. barn Stammwort. Ist vergleichbar mit ae. beren Scheuer , neben dem bere ærn u.a. steht. Im Englischen scheint das Wort für Gerste (ae. bere) zugrundezuliegen;… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

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