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Residentiary — Res i*den tia*ry, n. 1. One who is resident. [1913 Webster] The residentiary, or the frequent visitor of the favored spot, . . . will discover that both have been there. Coleridge. [1913 Webster] 2. An ecclesiastic who keeps a certain residence.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
residentiary — index denizen, habitant, household (domestic), inhabitant, lodger, occupant, resident Burton s Legal Th … Law dictionary
residentiary — [rez΄ə den′shē er΄ē, rez΄ə den′shə rē] adj. [ML residentiarius] 1. living in a place; resident 2. of, requiring, or bound to an official residence n. pl. residentiaries 1. a resident 2. Eccles. a clergyman bound to an official residence … English World dictionary
residentiary — adjective 1》 relating to or involving residence. 2》 (of a canon) required to live officially in a cathedral or collegiate church. noun (plural residentiaries) a residentiary canon … English new terms dictionary
residentiary — /rez i den shee er ee, sheuh ree/, adj., n., pl. residentiaries. adj. 1. residing; resident. 2. involving or under obligation to be in official residence. n. 3. a resident. 4. an ecclesiastic bound to official residence. [1515 25; < ML… … Universalium
residentiary — 1. adjective Of, pertaining to, or having residence (especially official residence) 2. noun A canon who has an official residence … Wiktionary
residentiary — rezɪ denʃɪerɪ / ʃərɪ adj. residing on the premises; requiring residency, requiring on site residence … English contemporary dictionary
residentiary — res·i·den·ti·ary … English syllables
residentiary — res•i•den•ti•ar•y [[t]ˌrɛz ɪˈdɛn ʃiˌɛr i, ʃə ri[/t]] adj. 1) residing; resident 2) involving or obligated to be in official residence • Etymology: 1515–25; < ML residentiārius=residenti(a) residence+ L ārius ary … From formal English to slang
residentiary — /rɛsəˈdɛnʃəri/ (say resuh denshuhree) adjective 1. residing; resident. 2. bound to or involving official residence. –noun (plural residentiaries) 3. a resident. 4. an ecclesiastic bound to official residence …