
Resume Re*sume", v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Resumed};p. pr. & vb. n. {Resuming}.] [L. resumere, resumptum; pref. re- re- + sumere to take: cf. F. r['e]sumer. See {Assume}, {Redeem}.] 1. To take back. [1913 Webster]

The sun, like this, from which our sight we have, Gazed on too long, resumes the light he gave. --Denham. [1913 Webster]

Perhaps God will resume the blessing he has bestowed ere he attains the age of manhood. --Sir W. Scott. [1913 Webster]

2. To enter upon, or take up again. [1913 Webster]

Reason resumed her place, and Passion fled. --Dryden. [1913 Webster]

3. To begin again; to recommence, as something which has been interrupted; as, to resume an argument or discourse. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • résumé — [ rezyme ] n. m. • 1750; de résumer 1 ♦ Abrégé, condensé. ⇒ réduction; digest(anglic.). Faire, rédiger un résumé. Résumé des épisodes précédents. Résumés d histoire pour le baccalauréat. ⇒ abrégé. 2 ♦ Fig. « Au fond, le résumé de la sagesse… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • resume — [ri zo͞om′, rizyo͞om′] vt. resumed, resuming [ME resumen, to assume < MFr resumer < L resumere < re , again + sumere, to take: see CONSUME] 1. a) to take, get, or occupy again [to resume one s seat] b) to take back or take on again [to… …   English World dictionary

  • resume — re‧sume [rɪˈzjuːm ǁ rɪˈzuːm] verb [intransitive, transitive] to start to do something again after a period of rest or an interruption: • Profit taking resumed as the yen began to lose ground. • The company said it won tresume its efforts to sell… …   Financial and business terms

  • résumé — [rez′ə mā΄; ] for 1, also [ rā′zo͞o mā΄, rā′zyo͞omā΄] n. [Fr, pp. of résumer: see RESUME] 1. a summing up; summary ☆ 2. a statement of a job applicant s previous employment experience, education, etc.: also written resume or resumé …   English World dictionary

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