Riding — Rid ing, a. 1. Employed to travel; traveling; as, a riding clerk. One riding apparitor. Ayliffe. [1913 Webster] 2. Used for riding on; as, a riding horse. [1913 Webster] 3. Used for riding, or when riding; devoted to riding; as, a riding whip; a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
riding — riding1 [rīd′iŋ] adj. 1. that rides 2. used in or for riding or traveling [a riding costume, riding horses ] ☆ 3. designed to be operated by a rider [a riding mower] n. the act of a person or thing that rides riding2 [rīd′iŋ] n … English World dictionary
RIDING (L.) — RIDING LAURA (1901 1991) Les histoires littéraires ne citent généralement le nom de Laura Riding (née à New York) qu’en compagnie de ceux de John Crowe Ransom, Robert Pen Warren et Allen Tate dont elle serait l’indispensable complément féminin… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Riding — steht für East Riding of Yorkshire, Gebietskörperschaft in England West Riding of Yorkshire, Verwaltungsgebiet in England North Riding of Yorkshire, Verwaltungsgebiet in England South Riding (Virginia), Verwaltungsgebiet in den USA Siehe auch… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Riding — is a homonym of two distinct English words:From Old English *þriðing: * Riding (country subdivision), an administrative division of a county, or similar district * Riding association, Canadian political party organization at the riding levelFrom… … Wikipedia
riding — Ⅰ. riding [1] ► NOUN 1) the sport or activity of riding horses. 2) a path for horse riding. Ⅱ. riding [2] ► NOUN 1) (usu. the East/North/West Riding … English terms dictionary
Riding — [ raɪdɪȖ], Laura, eigentlich L. Riding Jackson [ dʒæksn], amerikanische Schriftstellerin, * New York 16. 1. 1901, ✝ Sebastian (Fla.) 2. 9. 1991; gehörte in den frühen 20er Jahren der Dichtergruppe der Fugitives an; lebte 1926 39 in England und… … Universal-Lexikon
Riding — Rid ing (r[imac]d [i^]ng), n. [For thriding, Icel. [thorn]ri[eth]jungr the third part, fr. [thorn]ri[eth]i third, akin to E. third. See {Third}.] One of the three jurisdictions into which the county of York, in England, is divided; formerly under … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
riding — one of the three districts into which Yorkshire was divided, 1295, from late O.E. *þriðing, a relic of Viking rule, from O.N. ðriðjungr third part, from ðriði third (see THIRD (Cf. third)). The initial consonant merged with final consonant of… … Etymology dictionary
riding — ri|ding [ raıdıŋ ] noun uncount the activity or sport of riding a horse or other animal: go horseback riding: They go horseback riding nearly every day. a. only before noun used for riding horses: riding boots/breeches a riding school/stables … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English