rinsed — • overused, used up, all gone. “That song was rinsed, I don’t like it anymore.” … Londonisms dictionary
rinsed — un·rinsed; … English syllables
rinsed — rɪns n. act of washing or cleansing with a liquid (as with water) v. wash, cleanse (as with water); soak in water to remove soap or dirt … English contemporary dictionary
rinsed — 1) snider 2) diners … Anagrams dictionary
blue-rinsed — blue rinseˈ or blue rinsedˈ adjective Applied, usu disparagingly, to the supposed type of well groomed, usu middle class, older women (blue rinsers) • • • Main Entry: ↑blue … Useful english dictionary
being rinsed — being washed, being cleansed with water … English contemporary dictionary
Dishwashing — Washing dishes This article is about washing cooking utensils, dishes etc. For the period before Parliament is dissolved, see wash up period. Dish washing (British English washing up) is the process of cleaning cooking utensils, dishes … Wikipedia
rinse — rinse1 [ rıns ] verb transitive to wash something quickly, especially in flowing water, in order to remove soap or dirt: I ll just rinse my hands. Ella rinsed her hair thoroughly. a. to remove soap or dirt from something with water: Larry rinsed… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
rinse — I UK [rɪns] / US verb [transitive] Word forms rinse : present tense I/you/we/they rinse he/she/it rinses present participle rinsing past tense rinsed past participle rinsed a) to wash something quickly, especially in flowing water, in order to… … English dictionary
rinse out — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms rinse out : present tense I/you/we/they rinse out he/she/it rinses out present participle rinsing out past tense rinsed out past participle rinsed out 1) to wash the inside of something quickly, especially in… … English dictionary