
Robust Ro*bust", a. [L. robustus oaken, hard, strong, fr. robur strength, a very hard kind of oak; cf. Skr. rabhas violence: cf. F. robuste.] 1. Evincing strength; indicating vigorous health; strong; sinewy; muscular; vigorous; sound; as, a robust body; robust youth; robust health. [1913 Webster]

2. Violent; rough; rude. [1913 Webster]

While romp-loving miss Is hauled about in gallantry robust. --Thomson. [1913 Webster]

3. Requiring strength or vigor; as, robust employment. --Locke. [1913 Webster]

Syn: Strong; lusty; sinewy; sturdy; muscular; hale; hearty; vigorous; forceful; sound.

Usage: {Robust}, {Strong}. Robust means, literally, made of oak, and hence implies great compactness and toughness of muscle, connected with a thick-set frame and great powers of endurance. Strong denotes the power of exerting great physical force. The robust man can bear heat or cold, excess or privation, and toil on through every kind of hardship; the strong man can lift a great weight, can give a heavy blow, and a hard gripe. ``Robust, tough sinews bred to toil.'' --Cowper. [1913 Webster]

Then 'gan the villain wax so fierce and strong, That nothing may sustain his furious force. --Spenser. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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