- Rococo
- Rococo Ro*co"co, n. [F.; of uncertain etymology.] A florid style of ornamentation which prevailed in Europe in the latter part of the eighteenth century. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
ROCOCO — Les termes qui désignent les styles sont très souvent, dans leur acception primitive, des mots péjoratifs: gothique, maniérisme, baroque, pompier ont été ou sont encore employés avec une valeur polémique. Ils permettent de qualifier, ou plutôt de … Encyclopédie Universelle
Rococó — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Petit Trianon, «apartamento» que Madame de Pompadour, amante de Luis XV y promotora del Rococó, se hizo construir para alejarse del ambiente palaciego de Versalles … Wikipedia Español
rococo — ROCOCÓ adj. invar. 1. (În arhitectură şi în arta decorativă; în sintagma) Stil rococo (şi substantivat, n.) = stil artistic de ornamentaţie răspândit în sec. XVIII, provenind din Franţa, caracterizat printr o bogăţie excesivă de linii, de curbe,… … Dicționar Român
rococó — adjetivo,sustantivo masculino 1. [Estilo artístico o decorativo] que es propio del siglo XVIII europeo y se caracteriza por su gusto refinado y abundancia de formas: un salón rococó, una mesa rococó, muebles de estilo rococó. El Rococó resulta un … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
Rococo — Ro*co co, a. Of or pertaining to the style called rococo; like rococo; florid; fantastic. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
rococo — agg. [dal fr. rococo, alteraz. scherz., avvenuta nel gergo degli artisti, di rocaille, ammasso di pietre ]. [pieno di fronzoli e di artifici, anche spreg.] ▶◀ artificioso, arzigogolato, barocco, bizzarro, capriccioso, ghiribizzoso, stravagante.… … Enciclopedia Italiana
rococo — 1836, old fashioned, from Fr. rococo, apparently a humorous alteration of rocaille shellwork, pebble work from M.Fr. roche rock, from V.L. *rocca stone. Specifically of furniture or architecture of the time of Louis Quatorze and Louis Quinze,… … Etymology dictionary
rococó — (Del fr. rococo, forma jocosa de rocaille). adj. Se dice del estilo barroco que predominó en Francia en tiempo de Luis XV. U. t. c. s.) … Diccionario de la lengua española
rococo — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to an elaborately ornate late baroque style of European furniture or architecture of the 18th century, characterized by asymmetrical curves, scrollwork, and decorative motifs. 2) (of music or literature) highly ornamented… … English terms dictionary
rococo — [rə kō′kō; ] occas. [ rō΄kə kō′] n. [Fr < rocaille, rock work, shell work < roc < OFr roche,ROCK1] 1. [occas.R ] a style of architecture, decorative art, music, etc. of the early 18th cent. developed from and in reaction to the Baroque… … English World dictionary