Sabbath-day's journey

Sabbath-day's journey
Sabbath Sab"bath, n. [OE. sabat, sabbat, F. sabbat, L. sabbatum, Gr. sa`bbaton, fr. Heb. shabb[=a]th, fr. sh[=a]bath to rest from labor. Cf. {Sabbat}.] 1. A season or day of rest; one day in seven appointed for rest or worship, the observance of which was enjoined upon the Jews in the Decalogue, and has been continued by the Christian church with a transference of the day observed from the last to the first day of the week, which is called also {Lord's Day}. [1913 Webster]

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. --Ex. xx. 8. [1913 Webster]

2. The seventh year, observed among the Israelites as one of rest and festival. --Lev. xxv. 4. [1913 Webster]

3. Fig.: A time of rest or repose; intermission of pain, effort, sorrow, or the like. [1913 Webster]

Peaceful sleep out the sabbath of the tomb. --Pope. [1913 Webster]

{Sabbath breaker}, one who violates the law of the Sabbath.

{Sabbath breaking}, the violation of the law of the Sabbath.

{Sabbath-day's journey}, a distance of about a mile, which, under Rabbinical law, the Jews were allowed to travel on the Sabbath. [1913 Webster]

Syn: {Sabbath}, {Sunday}.

Usage: Sabbath is not strictly synonymous with Sunday. Sabbath denotes the institution; Sunday is the name of the first day of the week. The Sabbath of the Jews is on Saturday, and the Sabbath of most Christians on Sunday. In New England, the first day of the week has been called ``the Sabbath,'' to mark it as holy time; Sunday is the word more commonly used, at present, in all parts of the United States, as it is in England. ``So if we will be the children of our heavenly Father, we must be careful to keep the Christian Sabbath day, which is the Sunday.'' --Homilies. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • sabbath-day's journey — noun Usage: often capitalized S : a distance of 2000 cubits that under rabbinic law a Jew might travel on the sabbath from the walled limits of a town or city * * * Sabbath day s journey noun (historical) 2000 cubits, or about one kilometre,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Sabbath day's journey —    Supposed to be a distance of 2,000 cubits, or less than half a mile, the distance to which, according to Jewish tradition, it was allowable to travel on the Sabbath day without violating the law (Acts 1:12; comp. Ex. 16:29; Num. 35:5; Josh.… …   Easton's Bible Dictionary

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  • Sabbath day's journey — area or distance which a Jew may travel on the Sabbath without violating Jewish law (area with a radius of 2, 000 cubits) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • day's journey — About 40 km. (25 miles) but on the Sabbath (Acts 1:12) it was fixed as not more than 2,000 cubits (about 1,040 metres or 3/4 mile) …   Dictionary of the Bible

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  • Sabbath — Sab bath, n. [OE. sabat, sabbat, F. sabbat, L. sabbatum, Gr. sa bbaton, fr. Heb. shabb[=a]th, fr. sh[=a]bath to rest from labor. Cf. {Sabbat}.] 1. A season or day of rest; one day in seven appointed for rest or worship, the observance of which… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • Sabbath breaking — Sabbath Sab bath, n. [OE. sabat, sabbat, F. sabbat, L. sabbatum, Gr. sa bbaton, fr. Heb. shabb[=a]th, fr. sh[=a]bath to rest from labor. Cf. {Sabbat}.] 1. A season or day of rest; one day in seven appointed for rest or worship, the observance of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Sab|bath-day's journey — «SAB uhth DAYZ», the distance in ancient times that a Jew might lawfully travel on the Sabbath …   Useful english dictionary

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