Sallow thorn

Sallow thorn
Sallow Sal"low (s[a^]l"l[-o]), n. [OE. salwe, AS. sealh; akin to OHG. salaha, G. salweide, Icel. selja, L. salix, Ir. sail, saileach, Gael. seileach, W. helyg, Gr. "eli`kh.] 1. The willow; willow twigs. [Poetic] --Tennyson. [1913 Webster]

And bend the pliant sallow to a shield. --Fawkes. [1913 Webster]

The sallow knows the basketmaker's thumb. --Emerson. [1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) A name given to certain species of willow, especially those which do not have flexible shoots, as {Salix caprea}, {S. cinerea}, etc. [1913 Webster]

{Sallow thorn} (Bot.), a European thorny shrub ({Hippophae rhamnoides}) much like an El[ae]agnus. The yellow berries are sometimes used for making jelly, and the plant affords a yellow dye. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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