
Salon Sa`lon", n. [F. See {Saloon}.] 1. An apartment for the reception of company; hence, in the plural, fashionable parties; circles of fashionable society. [1913 Webster]

2. An apartment for the reception and exhibition of works of art; hence, an annual exhibition of paintings, sculptures, etc., held in Paris by the Society of French Artists; -- sometimes called the {Old Salon}.

{New Salon} is a popular name for an annual exhibition of paintings, sculptures, etc., held in Paris at the Champs de Mars, by the Soci['e]t['e] Nationale des Beaux-Arts (National Society of Fine Arts), a body of artists who, in 1890, seceded from the Soci['e]t['e] des Artistes Fran[,c]ais (Society of French Artists). [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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