seamy — (adj.) c.1600, in figurative phrase seamy side least pleasant, worst, from SEAM (Cf. seam) + Y (Cf. y) (2); the seamy side of a sewn garment being the less attractive, and thus typically turned in. The popularity of the figurative sense likely is … Etymology dictionary
seamy — [sēm′ē] adj. seamier, seamiest 1. having or showing seams, esp. with rough edges, as the underside of a garment 2. unpleasant or sordid [the seamy side of life] seaminess n … English World dictionary
seamy — [adj] corrupt, unwholesome bad, dark, degraded, disagreeable, disappointing, disreputable, disturbing, low, nasty, rough, sordid, squalid, unpleasant; concept 545 Ant. respectable, upright, wholesome … New thesaurus
seamy — ► ADJECTIVE (seamier, seamiest) ▪ sordid and disreputable … English terms dictionary
seamy — seam|y [ˈsi:mi] adj [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: seamy having the rough side of the seam showing (17 19 centuries), from seam] involving unpleasant things such as crime, violence, or immorality ▪ the seamy side of the World Wide Web … Dictionary of contemporary English
seamy — [[t]si͟ːmi[/t]] seamier, seamiest ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n If you describe something as seamy, you mean that it involves unpleasant aspects of life such as crime, sex, or violence. Hamburg s seamy St Pauli s district. ...the seamier side of life.… … English dictionary
seamy — adjective involving unpleasant things such as crime, violence, poverty, or immorality: seamy side (of sth): the seamy side of the film industry … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
seamy — UK [ˈsiːmɪ] / US [ˈsɪmɪ] adjective Word forms seamy : adjective seamy comparative seamier superlative seamiest involving the worst aspects of life such as crime and violence Derived word: seaminess noun uncountable … English dictionary
seamy — adjective (seamier; est) Date: 1605 1. archaic having the rough side of the seam showing 2. a. unpleasant b. degraded, sordid < the seamy side of urban life > • seaminess noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
seamy — seaminess, n. /see mee/, adj., seamier, seamiest. 1. unpleasant or sordid; low; disagreeable: the seamy side of life. 2. having, showing, or of the nature of a seam. [1595 1605; SEAM + Y1; in transferred senses alluding to the unpresentable… … Universalium