Shrapnel shell

Shrapnel shell
Shrapnel Shrap"nel, a. Applied as an appellation to a kind of shell invented by Gen. H. Shrapnel of the British army. -- n. A shrapnel shell; shrapnel shells, collectively. [1913 Webster]

{Shrapnel shell} (Gunnery), a projectile for a cannon, consisting of a shell filled with bullets and a small bursting charge to scatter them at any given point while in flight. See the Note under {Case shot}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • shrapnel shell — šrapnelis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Ore sprogstantis sviedinys, užtaisytas naikinamaisiais elementais – šratais, strypeliais, strėlėmis, metalo gabalėliais ir kt. Šrapnelį sudaro: plieninis korpusas, pripildytas naikinamųjų elementų;… …   Artilerijos terminų žodynas

  • Shrapnel — is the term originally applied to an anti personnel artillery shell which carried a large number of individual bullets to the target and then ejected them forwards, relying almost entirely on the shell s velocity for their lethality. Today the… …   Wikipedia

  • Shrapnel — Shrap nel, a. Applied as an appellation to a kind of shell invented by Gen. H. Shrapnel of the British army. n. A shrapnel shell; shrapnel shells, collectively. [1913 Webster] {Shrapnel shell} (Gunnery), a projectile for a cannon, consisting of a …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Shrapnel (disambiguation) — Shrapnel refers to fragments produced by an explosion or to the spherical shot or musket balls dispersed when a shrapnel shell bursts.It may also refer to:;People *Henry Shrapnel, (1761 1842) was a British Army officer and inventor, most famously …   Wikipedia

  • shrapnel — ou shrapnell [ ʃrapnɛl ] n. m. • 1827; mot angl., du nom de l inventeur ♦ Obus rempli de balles, qu il projette en éclatant. ● shrapnell ou shrapnel nom masculin (de H. Shrapnel, nom propre) Obus rempli de balles. ● shrapnell ou shrapnel… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • shrapnel — (n.) 1806, from Gen. Henry Shrapnel (1761 1842), who invented a type of exploding, fragmenting shell when he was a lieutenant in the Royal Artillery during the Peninsular War. The invention consisted of a hollow cannon ball, filled with shot,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • shrapnel — [shrap′nəl] n. [after H. Shrapnel (1761 1842), Brit general who invented it] 1. an artillery shell filled with an explosive charge and many small metal balls, designed to explode in the air over the objective 2. the balls scattered by such an… …   English World dictionary

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