- Skinfuls
- Skinful Skin"ful, n.; pl. {Skinfuls}. As much as a skin can hold. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
skinfuls — n. amount that a skin can hold, amount that can be put in a leather canteen; as much as one can drink … English contemporary dictionary
Skinful — Skin ful, n.; pl. {Skinfuls}. As much as a skin can hold. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
skinful — /skin fool/, n., pl. skinfuls. 1. the amount that a skin container can hold. 2. Informal. a large or satisfying amount of food and drink. 3. Informal. an amount of liquor sufficient to make a person drunk. [1640 50; SKIN + FUL] Usage. See ful. *… … Universalium
skinful — [skinfool΄] n. pl. skinfuls 1. as much as a skin container can hold 2. Informal a) as much as the stomach can hold b) enough alcoholic liquor to make one drunk … English World dictionary