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slantingly — adverb see slant I … New Collegiate Dictionary
slantingly — See slant. * * * … Universalium
slantingly — adv. at an angle … English contemporary dictionary
slantingly — slant·ing·ly … English syllables
slantingly — adverb with a slant (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑slopingly • Derived from adjective: ↑sloping (for: ↑slopingly), ↑slanting … Useful english dictionary
slant — slantingly, slantly, adv. /slant, slahnt/, v.i. 1. to veer or angle away from a given level or line, esp. from a horizontal; slope. 2. to have or be influenced by a subjective point of view, bias, personal feeling or inclination, etc. (usually… … Universalium
aslant — /euh slant , euh slahnt /, adv. 1. at a slant; slantingly; obliquely. adj. 2. slanting or on a slant; oblique. prep. 3. slantingly across; athwart. [1250 1300; ME on slont, on slent on slope, at a SLANT] * * * … Universalium
aslant — a•slant [[t]əˈslænt, əˈslɑnt[/t]] adv. 1) at a slant; slantingly; obliquely 2) slanting or on a slant; oblique 3) slantingly across; athwart • Etymology: 1250–1300 … From formal English to slang
aslant — /əˈslænt/ (say uh slant) adverb 1. at a slant; slantingly; obliquely. –adjective 2. slanting; oblique. –preposition 3. slantingly across; athwart. {Middle English on slont, on slent on slope. Compare Swedish slänt slope} …
toe — [tō] n. [ME to < OE ta, earlier tahe, akin to Ger zehe < IE base * deik̑ , to show > TEACH, L dicere, to say, digitus] 1. a) any of the five jointed parts at the front of the human foot; digit b) the forepart of the human foot c) the… … English World dictionary