
Chrome Chrome, n. Same as {Chromium}. [1913 Webster]

{Chrome alum} (Chem.), a dark violet substance, {(SO4)3Cr2.K2SO4.24H2O}, analogous to, and crystallizing like, common alum. It is regarded as a double sulphate of chromium and potassium.

{Chrome green} (a) The green oxide of chromium, {Cr2O3}, used in enamel painting, and glass staining. (b) A pigment made by mixing chrome yellow with Prussian blue.

{Chrome red}, a beautiful red pigment originally prepared from the basic chromate of lead, but now made from red oxide of lead.

{Chrome yellow}, a brilliant yellow pigment, {PbCrO4}, used by painters. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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