soccage — noun see socage … New Collegiate Dictionary
soccage — (so ka j ) s. m. Opération qui consiste à faire évaporer l eau salée pour en obtenir le sel. Temps que dure cette opération … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
soccage — soc·cage || sÉ‘kɪdÊ’ / sÉ’k n. right to possess land in return for agricultural or other nonmilitary services (according to medieval English law) … English contemporary dictionary
soccage — soc·cage … English syllables
soccage — noun see socage * * * socˈage or soccˈage noun 1. Feudal tenure of lands by service fixed and determinate in quality (other than military service) 2. A payment made by a socager • • • Main Entry: ↑soc … Useful english dictionary
Prescriptive Barony — cotlandThe Scots have a quite distinct legal system within the United Kingdom. Historically, in the Kingdom of Scotland, the Lord Lyon King of Arms, as the Sovereign’s Minister in matters armorial is at once Herald and Judge. Scottish… … Wikipedia
Charter of Virginia — JAMES, by the Grace of God, King of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, c. WHEREAS our loving and well disposed Subjects, Sir Thorn as Gales, and Sir George Somers, Knights, Richard Hackluit, Clerk, Prebendary of… … Wikipedia
free socage — Socage Soc age, n.[From {Soc}; cf. LL. socagium.] (O.Eng. Law) A tenure of lands and tenements by a certain or determinate service; a tenure distinct from chivalry or knight s service, in which the obligations were uncertain. The service must be… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Socage — Soc age, n.[From {Soc}; cf. LL. socagium.] (O.Eng. Law) A tenure of lands and tenements by a certain or determinate service; a tenure distinct from chivalry or knight s service, in which the obligations were uncertain. The service must be certain … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
villein socage — Socage Soc age, n.[From {Soc}; cf. LL. socagium.] (O.Eng. Law) A tenure of lands and tenements by a certain or determinate service; a tenure distinct from chivalry or knight s service, in which the obligations were uncertain. The service must be… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English