
Soy Soy (soi), Soya Soy"a(soi"[.a]), n. [Chinese sh[=o]y[=u].] 1. A Chinese and Japanese liquid sauce for fish, etc., made by subjecting boiled beans (esp. soybeans), or beans and meal, to long fermentation and then long digestion in salt and water. [1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) The {soybean}. [1913 Webster +PJC]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • soy — SOY. Pronom personnel de la troisiesme personne & de tout genre. Il ne sert jamais de nominatif. Prendre sur soy l évenement d une affaire. penser à soy. prendre garde à soy. estre à soy. rapporter tout à soy. revenir à soy. il est malhonneste de …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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  • soy — 1670s, saio sauce for fish, made from soybeans, from Du. soya, from Japanese soyu, variant of shoyu soy, from Chinese shi yu, from shi fermented soy beans + yu oil. Etymology reflects Dutch presence in Japan long before English merchants began to …   Etymology dictionary

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