spanking breeze

spanking breeze
spanking breeze spanking breeze (Naut.), a strong breeze. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • spanking — 1. noun /ˈspæŋkɪŋ/ a) A form of physical punishment in which a beating is applied to the buttocks. Domestic spanking is often endured over the knee (or lap), formal spanking rather applied over a contraption such as a tresle or A frame, with or… …   Wiktionary

  • spanking — spankingly, adv. /spang king/, adj. 1. moving rapidly and smartly. 2. quick and vigorous: a spanking pace. 3. blowing briskly: a spanking breeze. 4. Informal. unusually fine, great, large, etc.; remarkable; distinctive: a spanking monogram in… …   Universalium

  • spanking — spank•ing [[t]ˈspæŋ kɪŋ[/t]] adj. 1) moving rapidly and smartly 2) quick and vigorous: a spanking pace[/ex] 3) blowing briskly: a spanking breeze[/ex] 4) unusually fine, great, large, etc.; remarkable; striking 5) extremely or strikingly; very:… …   From formal English to slang

  • spanking —  1. n. A beating.  2. adj. Brisk (A spanking breeze.) Smartly attractive (A spanking woman.) Rapid (A spanking pace.) Large. Showy. Extremely pleasing.  3. adv. Very …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • spanking — [spaŋ′kiŋ] adj. [< intens. use of prp. of SPANK] 1. swiftly moving; rapid 2. brisk: said of a breeze 3. Informal exceptionally fine, large, vigorous, etc. adv. Informal altogether; completely [spanking new] n. a series of smacks, esp. on the… …   English World dictionary

  • spanking — I. /ˈspæŋkɪŋ / (say spangking) adjective 1. moving rapidly and smartly. 2. quick and vigorous, as the pace. 3. blowing briskly, as a breeze. 4. Colloquial unusually fine, great, large, etc. –adverb 5. (an intensifier): a spanking clean floor;… …  

  • wind — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) I v. twist, [en]twine; coil, curl, spiral; bandage, loop; enfold, in fold; wreathe, roll; crank, reel; sinuate, meander, wander. See convulsion, deviation, rotation. n. See wind. II Current of air Nouns… …   English dictionary for students

  • spank´ing|ly — spank|ing «SPANG kihng», noun, adjective, adverb. –n. the act of striking with the open hand, a slipper, or something flat. –adj. 1. blowing briskly: »a spanking breeze. 2. moving with a quick, lively pace: »a spanking team of horses. 3. quick… …   Useful english dictionary

  • spank|ing — «SPANG kihng», noun, adjective, adverb. –n. the act of striking with the open hand, a slipper, or something flat. –adj. 1. blowing briskly: »a spanking breeze. 2. moving with a quick, lively pace: »a spanking team of horses. 3. quick and vigorous …   Useful english dictionary

  • fan — fan1 fanlike, adj. fanner, n. /fan/, n., v., fanned, fanning. n. 1. any device for producing a current of air by the movement of a broad surface or a number of such surfaces. 2. an implement of feathers, leaves, paper, cloth, etc., often in the… …   Universalium

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