spelding — 1) headed, gutted split fish such as whiting (Merlangius merlangus) immersed in weak brine (even seawater) and air dried 2) a dried fish split open … Dictionary of ichthyology
spelding — speld·ing … English syllables
spelding — ˈspel(d)ə̇n noun ( s) Etymology: probably from obsolete English speld to split open + English ing Scotland : stockfish 1a … Useful english dictionary
speldron — Spelding Spel ding, n. [Scot. speld to spread out, spelder to split. spread open; cf. G. spalten split.] A haddock or other small fish split open and dried in the sun; called also {speldron}. [Scot.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cabbie claw — or Cabelew is a traditional dish from the North East of Scotland and Orkney. Traditionally made using Speldings, young fish of the Gadidae family, such as Cod, Haddock or Whiting.The obscure name is a derivative of the French name for Cod… … Wikipedia
University of California, Santa Cruz — UCSC redirects here. For University of Colombo s School of Computing, see University of Colombo School of Computing. University of California, Santa Cruz Motto Fiat lux (Latin) Motto in English Let there be light … Wikipedia
Ursula Dirichs — (* 1935 in Recklinghausen) ist eine deutsche Schauspielerin. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Biografie 2 Filmografie 3 Hörspiele 4 Quellen … Deutsch Wikipedia
spalding — 1) spelding 2) a dried fish split open … Dictionary of ichthyology
Ursula Dirichs — Born 1935 Recklinghausen Occupation Actress Ursula Dirichs is a German actress born in Recklinghausen in 1935. Contents 1 Early life … Wikipedia
Joan Blackman — est une actrice américaine, née à San Francisco, le 17 mai 1938. Sommaire 1 Biographie 2 Filmographie 2.1 Au cinéma 2.2 … Wikipédia en Français