
Stamen Sta"men (st[=a]"m[e^]n), n.; pl. E. {Stamens} (-m[e^]nz) (used only in the second sense); L. {Stamina} (st[a^]m"[i^]*n[.a]) (in the first sense). [L. stamen the warp, a thread, fiber, akin to Gr. sth`mwn the warp, fr. 'ista`nai to stand, akin to E. stand. See {Stand}, and cf. {Stamin}, {Stamina}.] 1. A thread; especially, a warp thread. [1913 Webster]

2. (pl. {Stamens}, rarely {Stamina}.) (Bot.) The male organ of flowers for secreting and furnishing the pollen or fecundating dust. It consists of the anther and filament. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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