Stinging — Sting ing, a. Piercing, or capable of piercing, with a sting; inflicting acute pain as if with a sting, goad, or pointed weapon; pungent; biting; as, stinging cold; a stinging rebuke. {Sting ing*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] {Stinging cell}. (Zo[… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stinging — index bitter (penetrating), caustic, harsh, incisive, mordacious, offensive (offending), scathing … Law dictionary
stinging — sting|ing [ stıŋıŋ ] adjective 1. ) very strong or thorough: a stinging defeat a stinging rebuke 2. ) making you feel sore or uncomfortable: a stinging pain a ) hitting you hard: a stinging slap/blow … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
stinging — UK [ˈstɪŋɪŋ] / US adjective 1) very strong, or thorough a stinging defeat a stinging rebuke 2) a) making you feel sore or uncomfortable a stinging pain b) hitting you hard a stinging slap/blow … English dictionary
stinging — /ˈstɪŋɪŋ/ (say stinging) adjective 1. paining as a result of a sting. 2. imparting a sting: a stinging insect; stinging nettle. 3. hurtful to the feelings: a stinging rebuke. –stingingly, adverb …
stinging — sting|ing [ˈstıŋıŋ] adj stinging attack/report/letter etc a report, letter etc that very strongly criticizes someone or something ▪ Dr Forwell made a stinging attack on government policy … Dictionary of contemporary English
stinging — I noun a kind of pain; something as sudden and painful as being stung the sting of death he felt the stinging of nettles • Syn: ↑sting • Derivationally related forms: ↑sting, ↑sting ( … Useful english dictionary
stinging — adjective Having the capacity to sting. stinging nettles … Wiktionary
stinging — adj. Stinging is used with these nouns: ↑attack, ↑blow, ↑indictment, ↑insect, ↑nettle, ↑pain, ↑rebuke, ↑sensation, ↑slap … Collocations dictionary
stinging — sting·ing || stɪŋɪŋ adj. producing or causing a sting; able to cause a sting; hurtful, cutting, biting stɪŋ n. act of stinging; sharp pain or wound caused a stinger; sharp organ or part (Botany, Zoology); covert operation executed by… … English contemporary dictionary