Stormy — Daniels, 2007 Stormy Daniels, 2007 Stormy Daniels, auch bekannt als Stormy (* 17. März 1979 in Baton Rouge … Deutsch Wikipedia
Stormy — Nom Stormy Race Zébrule Sexe Femelle stérile Naissance 1997 Pays de naissance … Wikipédia en Français
stormy — index disorderly, severe, unruly Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
stormy — stȯr mē adj, storm·i·er; est having alternating exacerbations and remissions of symptoms … Medical dictionary
stormy — c.1200, from STORM (Cf. storm) (n.) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Figurative use by mid 14c … Etymology dictionary
stormy — [adj] rough (referring to weather) bitter, blowy, blustering, blustery, boisterous, cold, coming down*, damp, dirty, foul, frigid, furious, gusty, howling, menacing, murky, pouring, raging, raining cats and dogs*, rainy, riproaring*, roaring,… … New thesaurus
stormy — ► ADJECTIVE (stormier, stormiest) 1) affected or disturbed by a storm. 2) full of angry or violent outbursts of feeling. DERIVATIVES stormily adverb storminess noun … English terms dictionary
stormy — [stôr′mē] adj. stormier, stormiest [ME stormi < OE stormig] 1. of, characteristic of, or affected by storms 2. having or characterized by storms 3. violent, raging, turbulent, etc. stormily adv. storminess n … English World dictionary
stormy — [[t]stɔ͟ː(r)mi[/t]] stormier, stormiest 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n If there is stormy weather, there are strong winds and heavy rain. It had been a night of stormy weather, with torrential rain and high winds. ...the long stormy winter of 1942. Ant … English dictionary
Stormy — See also: Stormy Weather* Stormy (album) an album by Hank Williams, Jr. * Stormy Lake a lake in ontario * Call It Stormy Monday (But Tuesday Is Just As Bad) * Stormy Daniels a porn star * Stormy Monday a 1988 film … Wikipedia