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Strontianite — Catégorie V : carbonates et nitrates[1] Strontianite États Unis … Wikipédia en Français
Strontianite — (SrCO3) is a mineral consisting of strontium carbonate, named after the village of Strontian, Lochaber, Scotland, where it was first discovered. This mineral is white, greenish, or yellowish in color, usually occurring in fibrous massive forms,… … Wikipedia
strontianite — ● strontianite nom féminin Carbonate naturel de strontium, orthorhombique, se présentant sous forme de petits cristaux prismatiques, à éclat vitreux. (Elle a pour formule SrCO3.) strontianite [stʀɔ̃sjanit] n. f. ÉTYM. 1795; de strontiane. ❖ 1 Vx … Encyclopédie Universelle
strontianite — [strän′shənīt΄, strän′shē ənīt΄] n. [ STRONTIAN + ITE1] a light colored, semihard mineral, strontium carbonate, SrCO3, that is an ore of strontium … English World dictionary
strontianite — /stron shee euh nuyt , sheuh nuyt /, n. a mineral, strontium carbonate, SrCO3, occurring in radiating, fibrous, or granular aggregates and crystals, varying from white to yellow and pale green: a minor ore of strontium. [1785 95; STRONTIAN +… … Universalium
strontianite — stroncianitas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralas. formulė SrCO₃ atitikmenys: angl. strontianite rus. стронцианит … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
strontianite — noun Date: 1794 a mineral consisting of a carbonate of strontium and occurring in various forms and colors … New Collegiate Dictionary
strontianite — noun A grey or yellowish mineral, SrCO, strontium carbonate, that is an ore of strontium … Wiktionary
strontianite — (stron si a ni t ) s. f. Mineral de strontiane … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
strontianite — stron·ti·an·ite … English syllables