- Subtilizer
- Subtilizer \Sub"til*i`zer\, n. One who subtilizes. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
subtilizer — sub·til·iz·er … English syllables
subtilizer — zə(r) noun ( s) : one that subtilizes … Useful english dictionary
subtilize — subtilization, n. subtilizer, n. /sut l uyz , sub teuh luyz /, v., subtilized, subtilizing. v.t. 1. to elevate in character; sublimate. 2. to make (the mind, senses, etc.) keen or discerning; sharpen. 3. to introduce subtleties into or argue… … Universalium
pedant — n 1. intellectual, pedagogue, Inf. know it all; bibliophile, bookworm, scholar, highbrow, Inf. egghead, Inf. walking encyclopedia; aesthete, Inf. longhair, bluestocking; platitudinizer, Inf. bromide, bore, stuffed shirt; attitudinarian,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder