Sugar — Sug ar, n. [OE. sugre, F. sucre (cf. It. zucchero, Sp. az[ u]car), fr. Ar. sukkar, assukkar, fr. Skr. [,c]arkar[=a] sugar, gravel; cf. Per. shakar. Cf. {Saccharine}, {Sucrose}.] 1. A sweet white (or brownish yellow) crystalline substance, of a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sugar fm — was an unlicensed radio station broadcasting chart, dance and R B music to Dublin. It launched in October 2003 and ceased broadcasting in July 2004.Background to Sugar FMSugar FM was effectively a re incarnation of an earlier Dublin pirate… … Wikipedia
şugar — ŞUGÁR, Ă, şugari, e, adj. (reg.) Zvelt, suplu, subţire. – Din magh. sugár. Trimis de LauraGellner, 03.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 ŞUGÁR adj. v. subţiratic, subţire, suplu, zvelt. Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa: Sinonime ŞUGÁR s … Dicționar Român
Sugar — puede hacer referencia a: Para la interfaz gráfica en desarrollo para el proyecto OLPC vea Sugar GUI. Sugar (banda), banda de indie rock norteamericana encabezada por Bob Mould. La canción Sugar del grupo de rock System of a Down. En Mitología a … Wikipedia Español
Sugar — o Maju es el consorte de la Gran Diosa vasca Mari. Tiene sin embargo un papel mucho más oscuro. Etimología. Sugar: suge + ar: serpiente macho, dragón. También se sugiere: su + gar: llama del fuego. La etimología de Maju es desconocida. Una… … Enciclopedia Universal
sugar — [shoog′ər] n. [ME sucre < OFr < OSp azúcar or OIt zucchero, both < Ar sukkar < Pers šakar < Sans śárkarâ, akin to śarkaraḥ, pebble] 1. any of a class of sweet, soluble, crystalline carbohydrates, as the disaccharides and the… … English World dictionary
sugar — SUGÁR, Ă, sugari, e, adj. (Adesea substantivat) Sugaci. – Suge + suf. ar. Trimis de IoanSoleriu, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 SUGÁR s. prunc, sugaci, nou născut, (înv. şi pop.) plod, (înv. şi reg.) cocon, poroboc, sugător, (Mold. şi Transilv.)… … Dicționar Român
sugar — ► NOUN 1) a sweet crystalline substance obtained especially from sugar cane and sugar beet. 2) Biochemistry any of the class of soluble crystalline sweet tasting carbohydrates, including sucrose and glucose. 3) informal, chiefly N. Amer. used as… … English terms dictionary
Sugar — Sug ar, v. i. In making maple sugar, to complete the process of boiling down the sirup till it is thick enough to crystallize; to approach or reach the state of granulation; with the preposition off. [Local, U.S.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sugar — (engl., spr. Schugg r), der Zucker … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon