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surrejoin — index answer (respond legally), rebut, reply, retort, return (respond) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
surrejoin — verb To reply with or in a surrejoinder … Wiktionary
surrejoin — sur·rejoin … English syllables
surrejoin — “+ intransitive verb Etymology: sur + rejoin : to reply by or in a surrejoinder … Useful english dictionary
answer — an·swer 1 n 1: the defendant s written response to the plaintiff s complaint in a civil suit in which he or she may deny any of plaintiff s allegations, offer any defenses, and make any counterclaims against the plaintiff, cross claims against… … Law dictionary
rebut — re·but /ri bət/ vt re·but·ted, re·but·ting [Anglo French reboter rebuter to answer a charge, bar from an action, literally, to repulse, rebuff, from Old French reboter, from re back + boter to push, butt]: to refute, counteract, or disprove (as… … Law dictionary
reply — re·ply n: a plaintiff s or complainant s response to a plea, allegation, or counterclaim in the defendant s answer Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. reply … Law dictionary
return — re·turn 1 vt 1 a: to give (an official account or report) to a superior (as by a list or statement) return the names of all residents in the ward return a list of jurors b: to bring back (as a writ, verdict, or indictment) to an office or… … Law dictionary
retort — I verb answer, answer back, come back, counter, countercharge, counterclaim, make a rebuttal, parry, rebut, rejoin, replicate, reply, requite, respond, respondere, return, riposte, say in reply, snap back, surrebut, surrejoin II index answer… … Law dictionary
confute — Synonyms and related words: answer, answer conclusively, antagonize, argue down, be antipathetic, be inimical, beat against, break, clash, collide, conflict, conflict with, confound, contradict, contrapose, contravene, controvert, counter,… … Moby Thesaurus