sylė — ×sylė̃ sf. (4) Ėr žr. syla 1: Nebeturiu sylė̃s tenai nueit Grž. ◊ blogà sylė̃ piktoji dvasia, velnias: Blogà sylė̃ inlindo Vvs … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
syle — young herring (Clupea harengus) … Dictionary of ichthyology
syle — , sile to pour or run ; the pot siles over, the pot boils over. N. He siled a gallon of ale down his throat, he poured a gallon of ale down his throat … A glossary of provincial and local words used in England
Henry Winter Syle — (November 9, 1846 January 6, 1890) was the first deaf person to be ordained a priest in the Episcopal Church in the United States.Henry Winter Syle was born in Shanghai, China; Syle was a student and parishioner of Thomas Gallaudet. He was deaf… … Wikipedia
Clupea harengus — Syle Syle, n. [See {Sile} a young herring.] (Zo[ o]l.) A young herring ({Clupea harengus}). [Also written {sile}.] [1913 Webster] But our folk call them syle, and nought but syle, And when they re grown, why then we call them herring. J. Ingelow … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sile — Syle Syle, n. [See {Sile} a young herring.] (Zo[ o]l.) A young herring ({Clupea harengus}). [Also written {sile}.] [1913 Webster] But our folk call them syle, and nought but syle, And when they re grown, why then we call them herring. J. Ingelow … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
šylenti — šylenti, ẽna, ẽno intr. šildytis, šilti: Pavalgęs ir šylẽna apie pečių Vrnv. Prieš saulę šylẽna, karvėm pietumi neduota Vrnv … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
šylėti — šylėti, ėja, ėjo intr. kiek šilti … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
List of Turkish desserts — A list of desserts from Turkish cuisine. * Acıbadem (Almond Cookie) * Aşure (Noah s pudding) * Baklava * Burma (Twisted) * Cezerye * Dilber Dudağı (Lady Lips) * Dondurma (İce cream) * Un Helvası (Flour Halva) * Güllaç * Hanım Göbeği (Lady Naval)… … Wikipedia
Thomas Gallaudet (1822–1902) — Thomas Gallaudet (June 3 1822 August 27 1902), an American Episcopal priest, was born in Hartford, Connecticut. His father, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, was the renowned pioneer of deaf education in the United States. After graduating from Trinity… … Wikipedia