Symposiac — Sym*po si*ac, n. A conference or conversation of philosophers at a banquet; hence, any similar gathering. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
symposiac — index parley Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
symposiac — [sim pō′zē ak΄] adj. [L symposiacus, belonging to a banquet, convivial < Gr symposiakos] of, having the nature of, or appropriate to a symposium … English World dictionary
symposiac — /sim poh zee ak /, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or suitable for a symposium. n. 2. a symposium. [1575 85; < L symposiacus < Gk symposiakós. See SYMPOSIUM, AC] * * * … Universalium
symposiac — sym·po·si·ac … English syllables
symposiac — /sɪmˈpoʊziˌæk/ (say sim pohzee.ak) adjective 1. of, relating to, or suitable for a symposium. –noun 2. a symposium. {Late Latin symposiacus} …
symposiac — I. simˈpōzēˌak noun ( s) Etymology: back formation from obsolete symposiacs (plural) table conversation, from Latin Symposiaca (title given to the Symposium of Plutarch died ab120A.D. Greek writer), from neuter plural of symposiacus of a… … Useful english dictionary
MULSUM — Graece ὀινόμελι, potus est ex vino et melle; cuius conficiendi rationem accurate docent Dioscor. l. 5. c. 8. Palladius l. 11. c. 17. et Auctores Geoponican l. 8. c. 25. Plin. quoque obiter l. 22. c. 24. Nec Talmudicos id praeteriit; in Tract. de… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
VINUM — quô Auctore mortalibus sit monstratum, diximus paulo supra. Graecis id Oeneum, unde et οἴνου nomen, an Icarum, Italis Ianum, dedisse, refert Athenaeus, l. 15. uti et far: sed utrumque non tam potui aut cibo quam divino cultui et sacris… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
sym|po|si|as|tic — «sihm POH zee AS tihk», adjective. = symposiac. (Cf. ↑symposiac) … Useful english dictionary