
Syndicalism Syn"dic*al*ism, n. [F. syndicalisme.] The theory, plan, or practice of trade-union action (originally as advocated and practiced by the French Conf['e]d['e]ration G['e]n['e]rale du Travail) which aims to abolish the present political and social system by means of the general strike (as distinguished from the local or sectional strike) and direct action of whatever kind (as distinguished from action which takes effect only through the medium of political action) -- direct action including any kind of action that is directly effective, whether it be a simple strike, a peaceful public demonstration, sabotage, or revolutionary violence. By the general strike and direct action syndicalism aims to establish a social system in which the means and processes of production are in the control of local organizations of workers, who are manage them for the common good. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Syndicalism — • Derived from the French syndicats, associations of workingmen uniting members of the same trade or industry for the furtherance of common economic interests Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Syndicalism     Syndicalism …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • syndicalism — [sin′di kəliz΄əm] n. [Fr syndicalisme < syndical, of a syndic or labor union ( chambre syndicale) < syndic: see SYNDIC] a theory and movement of trade unionism, esp. in Europe between 1890 and 1920, in which all means of production and… …   English World dictionary

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  • syndicalism — noun Control of government and industry by labor unions, usually achieved through revolutionary direct action. See Also: anarcho syndicalism, syndicalist …   Wiktionary

  • syndicalism — (Fr., syndicat, trade union) The movement that seeks to transfer control of the means of production to associations of workers, rather than to the state. In 19th century France the movement had connections with anarchism (making anarcho… …   Philosophy dictionary

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