
Talc Talc, n. [F. talc; cf. Sp. & It. talco, LL. talcus; all fr. Ar. talq.] (Min.) A soft mineral of a soapy feel and a greenish, whitish, or grayish color, usually occurring in foliated masses. It is hydrous silicate of magnesia. {Steatite}, or {soapstone}, is a compact granular variety. [1913 Webster]

{Indurated talc}, an impure, slaty talc, with a nearly compact texture, and greater hardness than common talc; -- called also {talc slate}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Talc — Catégorie IX : silicates[1] Cristaux de talc Trimous Ariège (15x6 cm Cristaux 8 mm) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • talc — [ talk ] n. m. • talk 1553; ar. talq 1 ♦ Silicate naturel de magnésium, qui se présente sous la forme de fines paillettes nacrées dans les roches métamorphiques. 2 ♦ Poudre commercialisée de cette substance. Saupoudrer de talc. ⇒ talquer. ● talc… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • talc — s.n. Silicat natural hidratat de magneziu, de culoare albă verzuie, unsuros şi moale la pipăit, folosit în industria farmaceutică, textilă etc. – Din fr. talc. cf. it. t a l c o , germ. T a l k . Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98… …   Dicționar Român

  • tâlc — TÂLC, tâlcuri, s.n. (pop.) 1. Înţeles2, sens, rost, semnificaţie. ♢ loc. adv. Cu tâlc = cu subînţeles; cu rost, cu socoteală. ♦ Interpretare, explicaţie. 2. Glumă alegorică, fabulă, pildă. ♢ expr. A vorbi în tâlcuri = a vorbi figurat, alegoric. – …   Dicționar Român

  • talc — (n.) 1580s, from M.Fr. talc, probably from Sp. talco and M.L. talcum talc (ealy 14c.), both from Arabic talq, from Pers. talk talc. It was applied by the Arab and medieval writers to various transparent, translucent and shining minerals such as… …   Etymology dictionary

  • talc — s. m. Sorte de pierre, qui se trouve dans les carrieres de plastre, & qui est transparente comme le verre, & se leve par feüilles. Le talc ne se calcine point, on met du talc, des feüilles de talc sur les mignatures pour les conserver. les… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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