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tarsotomy — 1. Incision of the tarsal cartilage of an eyelid. 2. Rarely used term for any operation on the tarsus of the foot. [tarso + G. tome, incision] * * * tar·sot·o·my (tahr sotґə me) [tarso + tomy] … Medical dictionary
blepharotomy — A cutting operation on an eyelid. [blepharo + G. tome, incision] * * * bleph·a·rot·o·my .blef ə rät ə mē n, pl mies surgical incision of an eyelid * * * bleph·a·rot·o·my (blef″ə rotґə me) surgical incision of an eyelid; tarsotomy … Medical dictionary
tarsotomía — Eng. Tarsotomy Incisión quirúrgica del tarso … Diccionario de oftalmología