tartar — TARTÁR, tartaruri, s.n. (În mitologia antică) Loc aşezat în fundul infernului, în care se presupunea că erau chinuiţi cei care păcătuiau faţă de zei: (în credinţa creştină) iad, infern. – Slav (v. sl. tartarŭ din gr.). Trimis de pan111,… … Dicționar Român
Tartar — may refer to: wiktionary*An alternate spelling of the name Tatars, an ethnic group in present day Russia (this term formerly extended to nearly all Central Asian, Turkic and Mongol ethnic groups) *Tartar sauce *Calculus (dental), hardened dental… … Wikipedia
Tartar — Escudo … Wikipedia Español
tartar — ► NOUN 1) a hard calcified deposit that forms on the teeth and contributes to their decay. 2) a deposit of impure cream of tartar formed during the fermentation of wine. ● cream of tartar Cf. ↑cream of tartar ORIGIN Greek tartaron … English terms dictionary
Tartar — Tar tar, n. 1. [Per. T[=a]t[=a]r, of Tartar origin.] A native or inhabitant of Tartary in Asia; a member of any one of numerous tribes, chiefly Moslem, of Turkish origin, inhabiting the Russian Europe; written also, more correctly but less… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tartar — hat mehrere Bedeutungen: Tartar GR, eine ehemalige Gemeinde im Bezirk Hinterrhein, Kanton Graubünden, Schweiz RIM 24 Tartar, US amerikanische Luftabwehrrakete eine andere Schreibweise von Tatar, siehe Tataren eine andere Schreibweise von Tərtər… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tartar — is the hardened product of longstanding plaque accumulating minerals from the saliva and foods. Plaque is the soft accumulation of food debris and bacteria around teeth. These bacteria feed on left over food in the mouth to excrete toxins that… … Medical dictionary
Tartar — mid 14c. (implied in Tartary, the land of the Tartars ), from M.L. Tartarus, from Pers. Tatar, first used 13c. in reference to the hordes of Ghengis Khan (1202 1227), said to be ultimately from Tata, a name of the Mongols for themselves. Form in… … Etymology dictionary
tartar — bitartrate of potash (a deposit left during fermentation), late 14c., from O.Fr. tartre, from M.L. tartarum, from late Gk. tartaron tartar encrusting the sides of wine casks, perhaps of Semitic origin. The purified substance is cream of tartar.… … Etymology dictionary
Tartar — Tàrtar m DEFINICIJA mit. 1. bezdan vječne tame i njegov bog; bacanje u Tartar je bila najstrašnija moguća kazna (Zeus je Titane bacio u Tartar, ali ih je poslije ipak pustio van, ostao je samo Tifon) 2. najmračniji dio Hada, katkad izjednačen s… … Hrvatski jezični portal