
Thine Thine ([th][imac]n), pron. & a. [OE. thin, AS. [eth][=i]n, originally gen. of [eth]u, [eth][=u], thou; akin to G. dein thine, Icel. [thorn]inn, possessive pron., [thorn][=i]n, gen. of [thorn][=u] thou, Goth. [thorn]eins, possessive pron., [thorn]eina, gen. of [thorn]u thou. See {Thou}, and cf. {Thy}.] A form of the possessive case of the pronoun thou, now superseded in common discourse by your, the possessive of you, but maintaining a place in solemn discourse, in poetry, and in the usual language of the Friends, or Quakers. [1913 Webster]

Note: In the old style, thine was commonly shortened to thi (thy) when used attributively before words beginning with a consonant; now, thy is used also before vowels. Thine is often used absolutely, the thing possessed being understood. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • thine — [thīn] Archaic pron. [ME thin < OE, gen. of thu,THOU1 (ME loss of n before a consonant gives THY)] that or those belonging to thee (you): the possessive form of THOU1, used without a following noun [this book is thine; thine are better; is he… …   English World dictionary

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  • thine — O.E. þin, possessive pronoun (originally gen. of þu thou ), from P.Gmc. *thinaz (Cf. O.Fris., O.S. thin, M.Du. dijn, O.H.G. din, Ger. dein, O.N. þin), from PIE *t(w)eino , suffixed form of second pers. sing. pronomial base *tu . A brief history… …   Etymology dictionary

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  • thine — /dhuyn/, pron. 1. the possessive case of thou used as a predicate adjective, after a noun or without a noun. 2. the possessive case of thou used as an attributive adjective before a noun beginning with a vowel or vowel sound: thine eyes; thine… …   Universalium

  • Thine — thou hou ([th]ou), pron. [Sing.: nom. {Thou}; poss. {Thy} ([th][imac]) or {Thine} ([th][imac]n); obj. {Thee} ([th][=e]). Pl.: nom. {You} (y[=oo]); poss. {Your} (y[=oo]r) or {Yours} (y[=oo]rz); obj. {You}.] [OE. thou, [thorn]u, AS. [eth][=u],… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • thine — [[t]ða͟ɪn[/t]] PRON POSS Thine is an old fashioned, poetic, or religious word for yours when you are talking to only one person. I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice …   English dictionary

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  • thine — /ðaɪn / (say dhuyn) Archaic –pronoun (possessive) 1. the possessive form of thou1, used predicatively or absolutely: thine be the glory. –adjective 2. thy (before a noun beginning with a vowel sound): thine eyes. {Middle English; Old English þīn …  

  • thine — thine1 [ðaın] pron [the possessive form of thy ] old use yours thine 2 thine2 determiner [the possessive form of thy ] old use a word meaning your, used before a word beginning with a vowel or h …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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