thrift — [θrɪft] noun 1. [countable] also thrift institution FINANCE ORGANIZATIONS in the US, a Savings and Loan Association or savings bank … Financial and business terms
thrift — n: an institution that promotes saving and provides mortgages; esp: savings and loan association – called also thrift institution; Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
Thrift — can refer to: * A generic term for a savings and loan association in the United States * Thrift (plant) a plant in the genus Armeria that have pink or white flowers; the term is especially used to refer to Armeria maritima * Thrift (protocol), a… … Wikipedia
thrift´i|ly — thrift|y «THRIHF tee», adjective, thrift|i|er, thrift|i|est. 1. careful in spending; economical; saving: »a thrifty housewife … Useful english dictionary
thrift|y — «THRIHF tee», adjective, thrift|i|er, thrift|i|est. 1. careful in spending; economical; saving: »a thrifty housewife … Useful english dictionary
thrift — [ θrıft ] noun 1. ) uncount the practice of spending money carefully so that you do not waste any 2. ) thrift or thrift institution count AMERICAN an institution similar to a bank that allows its members to save or borrow money … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
thrift — [thrift] n. [ME < ON < thrifast, to prosper: see THRIVE] 1. Obs. a) the condition of thriving; prosperity b) physical thriving; vigorous growth 2. careful management of one s money or resources; economy; frugality 3. any of a genus (Armeria … English World dictionary
thrift — /thrift/, n. 1. economical management; economy; frugality. 2. Also called thrift institution. Banking. a savings and loan association, savings bank, or credit union. 3. Also called sea pink. any alpine and maritime plant belonging to the genus… … Universalium
thrift — c.1300, fact or condition of thriving, also prosperity, savings, from M.E. thriven to thrive (see THRIVE (Cf. thrive)), possibly influenced by O.N. þrift, variant of þrif prosperity, from þrifask to thrive. Sense of habit of saving, economy first … Etymology dictionary
thrift — [θrıft] n [U] [Date: 1200 1300; : Old Norse; Origin: wealth and success , from thrifask; THRIVE] old fashioned wise and careful use of money, so that none is wasted →↑spendthrift … Dictionary of contemporary English