- Thurghfare
- Thurghfare Thurgh"fare`, n.
Thoroughfare. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
This world is but a thurghfare full of woe. --Chaucer. [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
This world is but a thurghfare full of woe. --Chaucer. [1913 Webster] [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
thoroughfare — /therr oh fair , euh fair , thur /, n. 1. a road, street, or the like, that leads at each end into another street. 2. a major road or highway. 3. a passage or way through: no thoroughfare. 4. a strait, river, or the like, affording passage. [1350 … Universalium
thoroughfare — thor•ough•fare [[t]ˈθɜr əˌfɛər, ˈθʌr [/t]] n. 1) trs a road, street, etc., that leads at each end into another street 2) trs a major road or highway 3) a passage or way through: no thoroughfare[/ex] 4) trs a strait, river, etc., affording passage … From formal English to slang
thoroughfare — [thʉr′ōfer΄, thʉr′əfer΄] n. [ME thurghfare: see THROUGH & FARE] 1. a way through or passage through 2. a public street open at both ends; esp., such a street through which there is much traffic; highway; main road … English World dictionary