bilimbing — ⇒BILIMBI, BILIMBING, subst. masc. BOT., fam. Corambolier de Madagascar, famille des oxalidacées. Bilimbings couverts de jolies fleurs bleues et de fruits (DUMONT D URVILLE, Voyage au Pôle Sud, t. 5, 1843, p. 276). Rem. 1. Attesté dans Ac. Compl.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
bilimbing — bi·lim·bing … English syllables
bilimbing — noun see bilimbi … Useful english dictionary
bilimbi — ⇒BILIMBI, BILIMBING, subst. masc. BOT., fam. Corambolier de Madagascar, famille des oxalidacées. Bilimbings couverts de jolies fleurs bleues et de fruits (DUMONT D URVILLE, Voyage au Pôle Sud, t. 5, 1843, p. 276). Rem. 1. Attesté dans Ac. Compl.… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Bilimbi — Bi*lim bi, ||Bilimbing Bi*lim bing, n. [Malay.] The berries of two East Indian species of {Averrhoa}, of the {Oxalide[ae]} or Sorrel family. They are very acid, and highly esteemed when preserved or pickled. The juice is used as a remedy for skin … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
blimbi — Bilimbi Bi*lim bi, ||Bilimbing Bi*lim bing, n. [Malay.] The berries of two East Indian species of {Averrhoa}, of the {Oxalide[ae]} or Sorrel family. They are very acid, and highly esteemed when preserved or pickled. The juice is used as a remedy… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
blimbing — Bilimbi Bi*lim bi, ||Bilimbing Bi*lim bing, n. [Malay.] The berries of two East Indian species of {Averrhoa}, of the {Oxalide[ae]} or Sorrel family. They are very acid, and highly esteemed when preserved or pickled. The juice is used as a remedy… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
blimbing — ˈblimbiŋ noun ( s) Etymology: Tagalog balimbing, bilimbing + Malay bĕlimbing : carambola * * * blimbi(ng variant of bilimbi … Useful english dictionary