take potluck — {v. phr.} To share as a guest an everyday meal without special preparation. * /You are welcome to stay for dinner if you will take potluck./ * /They were about to have lunch when he phoned and they asked him to take potluck with them./ … Dictionary of American idioms
take potluck — {v. phr.} To share as a guest an everyday meal without special preparation. * /You are welcome to stay for dinner if you will take potluck./ * /They were about to have lunch when he phoned and they asked him to take potluck with them./ … Dictionary of American idioms
take\ potluck — v. phr. To share as a guest an everyday meal without special preparation. You are welcome to stay for dinner if you will take potluck. They were about to have lunch when he phoned and they asked him to take potluck with them … Словарь американских идиом
take potluck — share a meal with a friend in which each brings a different dish … English contemporary dictionary
Potluck — Pot luck , n. Whatever may chance to be in the pot, or may be provided for a meal. [1913 Webster] A woman whose potluck was always to be relied on. G. Eliot. [1913 Webster] {To take potluck}, to take what food may chance to be provided. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
potluck — [pät′luk′] n. 1. whatever the family meal happens to be [a neighbor invited in to take potluck] 2. whatever is available, with little or no choice 3. POTLUCK DINNER … English World dictionary
potluck — See: TAKE POTLUCK … Dictionary of American idioms
potluck — See: TAKE POTLUCK … Dictionary of American idioms
potluck — See: take potluck … Словарь американских идиом
potluck — /pot luk , luk /, n. 1. food or a meal that happens to be available without special preparation or purchase: to take potluck with a friend. 2. Also called potluck supper, potluck dinner, potluck lunch. a meal, esp. for a large group, to which… … Universalium