To work the goaf

To work the goaf
Goaf Goaf; n.; pl. {Goafs}or {Goaves}. [Cf. 1st {Gob}.] (Mining) That part of a mine from which the mineral has been partially or wholly removed; the waste left in old workings; -- called also {gob} . [1913 Webster]

{To work the goaf} or {To work the gob}, to remove the pillars of mineral matter previously left to support the roof, and replace them with props. --Ure. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • To work the gob — Goaf Goaf; n.; pl. {Goafs}or {Goaves}. [Cf. 1st {Gob}.] (Mining) That part of a mine from which the mineral has been partially or wholly removed; the waste left in old workings; called also {gob} . [1913 Webster] {To work the goaf} or {To work… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Goaf — Goaf; n.; pl. {Goafs}or {Goaves}. [Cf. 1st {Gob}.] (Mining) That part of a mine from which the mineral has been partially or wholly removed; the waste left in old workings; called also {gob} . [1913 Webster] {To work the goaf} or {To work the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Goafs — Goaf Goaf; n.; pl. {Goafs}or {Goaves}. [Cf. 1st {Gob}.] (Mining) That part of a mine from which the mineral has been partially or wholly removed; the waste left in old workings; called also {gob} . [1913 Webster] {To work the goaf} or {To work… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Goaves — Goaf Goaf; n.; pl. {Goafs}or {Goaves}. [Cf. 1st {Gob}.] (Mining) That part of a mine from which the mineral has been partially or wholly removed; the waste left in old workings; called also {gob} . [1913 Webster] {To work the goaf} or {To work… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • gob — Goaf Goaf; n.; pl. {Goafs}or {Goaves}. [Cf. 1st {Gob}.] (Mining) That part of a mine from which the mineral has been partially or wholly removed; the waste left in old workings; called also {gob} . [1913 Webster] {To work the goaf} or {To work… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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