- Tourn
- Tourn Tourn, n. [See {Turn}]
1. A spinning wheel. [Prov. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]
2. (O.Eng.Law) The sheriff's turn, or court. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
2. (O.Eng.Law) The sheriff's turn, or court. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
Tourn. — Tourn., bei Pflanzennamen Abkürzung für Tournefort (s. d.) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
tourn — turn, or tourn /tarn/ In English law, the great courtleet of the county, as the old county court was the court baron. Of this the sheriff was judge, and the court was incident to his office; wherefore it was called the sheriffs tourn; and it had… … Black's law dictionary
Tourn — The tourn (tour, turn) was the circuit made by the sheriff in medieval England to the hundreds of his shire. Here he would preside over the hundred court. This court normally met every three weeks, but during the tourn, at Easter and Michaelmas… … Wikipedia
Tourn — 1) Visitation carried out by the sheriff twice a year of all the hundreds in the county not in private hands. In the tourn, he held a view of the frankpledges and conducted a searching inquest into crime in the hundred. (Waugh, Scott. England in… … Medieval glossary
Tourn. — Joseph Pitton de Tournefort Систематик живой природы Названия растений, описанные им, могут отмечаться сокращением «Tourn.» … Википедия
tourn — noun A circuit made by a medieval English sheriff to the courts of his shire … Wiktionary
Tourn — Circuit of his *county or jurisdiction made by a *sheriff twice each year; the visit of the court to each *hundred. [< OldFr. tourner = turn, rotate] … Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases
tourn — a spinning wheel. Exm … A glossary of provincial and local words used in England
tourn — ˈtu̇(ə)rn noun ( s) Etymology: Anglo French, from Old French torn circuit more at tour 1. : the circuit or turn of an English sheriff to hold a court of record twice a year within a month after Easter a … Useful english dictionary
Pablo Tourn — Nombre Pablo Damián Tourn Martínez Nacimiento 8 de mayo de 1984 (27 años) Rosario Colonia, Uruguay Nacionalidad … Wikipedia Español