Troglodytes niger

Troglodytes niger
Chimpanzee Chim*pan"zee (ch[i^]m*p[a^]n"z[-e]; 277), n. [From the native name: cf. F. chimpanz['e], chimpans['e], chimpanz['e]e.] (Zo["o]l.) An african ape ({Pan troglodytes}, formerly {Anthropithecus troglodytes}, or {Troglodytes niger}) which approaches more nearly to man, in most respects, than any other ape. It is the most intelligent of non-human animals, and when full grown, it is from three to four feet high. A variant called the {pygmy chimpanzee}, or {bonobo}, has been recently recognized as a separate species. [1913 Webster +PJC]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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