twenty-twenty hindsight — (or 20/20 hindsight) : the full knowledge and complete understanding that you have about an event only after it has happened With 20/20 hindsight we now see where our strategy went wrong. • • • Main Entry: ↑twenty twenty … Useful english dictionary
twenty-twenty hindsight — AND 20/20 … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
hindsight — n. understanding the nature of an event after it has happened; as, hindsight is always clearer than foresight. [WordNet 1.5] {20 20 hindsight}, {twenty twenty hindsight} Perfect understanding of an event after it has happened; a term usually used … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
twenty-twenty — 20/20 n [U] [Date: 1800 1900; Origin: From normal sight being judged on the ability to read letters at a distance of 20 feet] 1.) twenty twenty vision the ability to see things normally, without needing glasses ▪ A pilot must have twenty twenty… … Dictionary of contemporary English
twenty — O.E. twentig group of twenty, from twegen two (see TWO (Cf. two)) + tig group of ten (see TY (Cf. ty) (1)). Cognate with O.Fris. twintich, Du. twintig, O.H.G. zweinzug, Ger. zwanzig. Goth … Etymology dictionary
hindsight — n. an ability to figure out what one should have done after it is too late to do it. □ Everybody has twenty twenty hindsight! □ Your 20/20 hindsight is just great … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
twenty-twenty — /twen tee twen tee, twun tee twun tee/, adj. 1. Ophthalm. having normal visual acuity. 2. keenly or acutely perceptive: an opinion based on twenty twenty hindsight. Also, 20 20. [1935 40] * * * … Universalium
hindsight is twenty-twenty — After something has gone wrong, it is easy to look back and make criticisms … The small dictionary of idiomes
20-20 hindsight — hindsight hindsight n. understanding the nature of an event after it has happened; as, hindsight is always clearer than foresight. [WordNet 1.5] {20 20 hindsight}, {twenty twenty hindsight} Perfect understanding of an event after it has happened; … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
twenty — n. & adj. n. (pl. ies) 1 the product of two and ten. 2 a symbol for this (20, xx, XX). 3 (in pl.) the numbers from 20 to 29, esp. the years of a century or of a person s life. 4 colloq. a large indefinite number (have told you twenty times). adj … Useful english dictionary