- Vection
- Vection Vec"tion, n. [L. vectio, from vehere, vectum, to carry.] Vectitation. [Obs.] [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.
Vection — Unter Vektion (eng. vection) versteht man den Effekt, der auftritt, wenn ein Beobachter eine bewegte Szenerie sieht und bei ihm dadurch der Eindruck entsteht, er selbst würde sich bewegen. Der Effekt lässt sich zum Beispiel in einem stehenden Zug … Deutsch Wikipedia
vection — /vek sheuhn/, n. Med. the transference of a disease from one person to another. [1600 10; < L vection (s. of vectio a carrying). See VECTOR, TION] * * * … Universalium
vection — /vek sheuhn/, n. Med. the transference of a disease from one person to another. [1600 10; < L vection (s. of vectio a carrying). See VECTOR, TION] … Useful english dictionary
vection — Transference of the agents of disease from an infected to an uninfected individual by a vector. [L. vectio, conveyance] * * * vec·tion (vekґshən) [L. vectio a carrying] the carrying of disease germs from an infected individual to a well one… … Medical dictionary
vection — n. infection with disease. ♦ vector, n. disease carrying insect; Mathematics, symbol of quantity having magnitude and direction; compass direction of aircraft … Dictionary of difficult words
Illusions of self-motion — occur when one moves or feels one has moved without feeling that one has made the movement. Motions can include movements of the whole body or movements of single limbs. Illusions include vestibular illusions, vection, sea legs, the ideomotor… … Wikipedia
ÉQUILIBRATION — Afin d’assurer l’efficacité de l’exécution des mouvements mis en jeu au cours de la locomotion, de l’orientation et de la préhension, les animaux font usage d’un ensemble de mécanismes sensorimoteurs qui permettent le maintien de l’équilibre du… … Encyclopédie Universelle
STADE (NOTION DE) — STADE NOTION DE En tenant compte de l’arbitraire qui s’attache à toute tentative de définition d’un concept, dans la mesure où elle opère par réduction à partir des prémisses, il semblerait que la notion de stade présente deux applications bien… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Transference — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Transference >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 transfer transfer transference Sgm: N 1 translocation translocation elocation| Sgm: N 1 displacement displacement Sgm: N 1 metastasis metastasis metathesis Sgm: N … English dictionary for students
Evection — E*vec tion [L. evectio a going up, fr. evehere to carry out; e out + vehere to carry: cf. F [ e]vection.] 1. The act of carrying up or away; exaltation. [Obs.] Bp. Pearson. [1913 Webster] 2. (Astron.) (a) An inequality of the moon s motion in its … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English