vermiform appendix — n a narrow blind tube usu. about three or four inches (7.6 to 10.2 centimeters) long that extends from the cecum in the lower right hand part of the abdomen, has much lymphoid wall tissue, normally communicates with the cavity of the cecum, and… … Medical dictionary
vermiform appendix — n. the appendix extending from the cecum of the large intestine … English World dictionary
Vermiform appendix — Infobox Anatomy Name = Vermiform Appendix Latin = appendix vermiformis GraySubject = 249 GrayPage = 1178 Caption = Arteries of cecum and vermiform appendix. (Appendix visible at lower right, labeled as vermiform process ). Caption2 = Normal… … Wikipedia
Appendix (vermiform appendix) — A small outpouching from the beginning of the large intestine. Formally called the vermiform appendix because it is wormlike … Medical dictionary
vermiform appendix — noun a vestigial process that extends from the lower end of the cecum and that resembles a small pouch • Syn: ↑appendix, ↑vermiform process, ↑cecal appendage • Hypernyms: ↑process, ↑outgrowth, ↑appendage … Useful english dictionary
vermiform appendix — Anat., Zool. a narrow, blind tube protruding from the cecum, having no known useful function, in humans being 3 to 4 in. (8 to 10 cm) long and situated in the lower right hand part of the abdomen. See diag. under intestine. Also called appendix.… … Universalium
vermiform appendix — noun An organ consisting of a blind tube projecting from the caecum, without known function. Syn: appendix … Wiktionary
vermiform appendix — see appendix … The new mediacal dictionary
vermiform appendix — ver′miform appen′dix n. anat. appendix 3) • Etymology: 1770–80 … From formal English to slang
vermiform appendix — /vɜməfɔm əˈpɛndɪks/ (say vermuhfawm uh pendiks) noun a narrow, blind tube protruding from the caecum, situated in the lower right hand part of the abdomen in humans, and having no known useful function, its diameter being about that of a pencil… …