Viola di amore

Viola di amore
Viola Vi"o*la, n. [It. See {Viol}.] (Mus.) An instrument in form and use resembling the violin, but larger, and a fifth lower in compass. [1913 Webster]

{Viola da braccio} [It., viol for the arm], the tenor viol, or viola, a fifth lower than the violin. Its part is written in the alto clef, hence it is sometimes called the {alto}.

{Viola da gamba} [It., viol for the leg], an instrument resembling the viola, but larger, and held between the knees. It is now rarely used.

{Viola da spalla} [It., viol for the shoulder], an instrument formerly used, resembling the viola, and intermediate in size between the viola and the viola da gamba.

{Viola di amore} [It., viol of love: cf. F. viole d'amour], a viol, larger than the viola, having catgut strings upon, and brass or steel wires under, the keyboard. These, sounding sympathetically with the strings, yield a peculiarly soft and silvery sound. It is now seldom used. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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