vomit — vomit … Dictionnaire des rimes
Vomit — Vom it, n. [L. vomitus, from vomere, vomitum, to vomit; akin to Gr. ?, Skr. vam, Lith. vemiti. Cf. {Emetic}, {Vomito}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Matter that is vomited; esp., matter ejected from the stomach through the mouth. [1913 Webster] Like vomit… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vomit — (n.) late 14c., act of expelling contents of the stomach through the mouth, from L. vomitare to vomit often, frequentative of vomere spew forth, discharge, from PIE root *wem to spit, vomit (Cf. Gk. emein to vomit, emetikos provoking sickness;… … Etymology dictionary
vomit — [väm′it] n. [ME < L vomitus, a discharging, vomiting < pp. of vomere, to discharge, vomit < IE base * wemē > Gr emein, to vomit, OE wamm, stain, disgrace] 1. the act or process of ejecting the contents of the stomach through the mouth … English World dictionary
Vomit — Vom it, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Vomited}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Vomiting}.] [Cf. L. vomere, vomitum, and v. freq. vomitare. See {Vomit}, n.] To eject the contents of the stomach by the mouth; to puke; to spew. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vomit — ► VERB (vomited, vomiting) 1) eject matter from the stomach through the mouth. 2) emit in an uncontrolled stream or flow. ► NOUN ▪ matter vomited from the stomach. ORIGIN Latin vomere to vomit … English terms dictionary
vomit — *belch, burp, disgorge, regurgitate, spew, throw up Analogous words: *eject, expel, oust … New Dictionary of Synonyms
vomit — The verb has inflected forms vomited, vomiting … Modern English usage
vomit — [v] disgorge be seasick*, be sick, bring up*, dry heave*, eject, emit, expel, gag*, heave*, hurl*, puke*, regurgitate, retch, ruminate, spew, spit up, throw up, upchuck*; concepts 179,185,308 … New thesaurus
vomit — 01. He got seasick, and began to [vomit] after half an hour on the boat. 02. I [vomited] a couple of times last night because I drank too much. 03. He got really drunk at the party, and ended up outside, [vomiting] in the garden. 04. The most… … Grammatical examples in English