vorticella — [vôrt΄ə sel′ə] n. pl. vorticellae [vôr΄tə sel′ē] [ModL, dim. < L vortex: see VORTEX] any of a genus (Vorticella) of one celled ciliates living in water, with a bell shaped body on a thin, contractile stem serving as a holdfast … English World dictionary
Vorticella — Vorticella, 1) so v.w. Schnellthierchen, vgl. Blumenthierchen 2); 2) so v.w. Encriniten u. Pentacriniten … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Vorticella — Vorticella, s. Infusorien … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Vorticella — Vo … Wikipédia en Français
Vorticella — Vorticella … Wikipedia Español
Vorticella — Taxobox | color = khaki name = Vorticella image width = 200px domain = Eukaryota unranked phylum = Alveolata phylum = Ciliophora classis = Oligohymenophorea subclassis = Peritrichia ordo = Sessilida familia = Vorticellidae genus = Vorticella… … Wikipedia
vorticella — /vawr teuh sel euh/, n., pl. vorticellae / sel ee/, vorticellas. any ciliated protozoan of the genus Vorticella, having a transparent, bell shaped body with a retractile stalk. [1780 90; < NL; see VORTEX, ELLA] * * * ▪ protist genus of the… … Universalium
vorticella — vor·ti·cèl·la s.f. TS zool. protozoo del genere Vorticella con corpo a forma di calice peduncolato, provvisto di ciglia disposte in modo da determinare movimenti a vortice | con iniz. maiusc., genere della famiglia dei Vorticellidi {{line}}… … Dizionario italiano
vorticella — noun (plural vorticellae or cellas) Etymology: New Latin, from Latin vortic , vortex Date: 1787 any of a genus (Vorticella) of stalked bell shaped ciliates … New Collegiate Dictionary
vorticella — [ˌvɔ:tɪ sɛlə] noun Zoology a sedentary, single celled aquatic animal with a contractile stalk and a bell shaped body bearing a ring of cilia. [Genus Vorticella.] Origin C18: mod. L., dimin. of L. vortex, vortic eddy … English new terms dictionary