Welsh rabbit

Welsh rabbit
Welsh Welsh, a. [AS. w[ae]lisc, welisc, from wealh a stranger, foreigner, not of Saxon origin, a Welshman, a Celt, Gael; akin to OHG. walh, whence G. w["a]lsch or welsch, Celtic, Welsh, Italian, French, Foreign, strange, OHG. walhisc; from the name of a Celtic tribe. See {Walnut}.] Of or pertaining to Wales, or its inhabitants. [Sometimes written also {Welch}.] [1913 Webster]

{Welsh flannel}, a fine kind of flannel made from the fleece of the flocks of the Welsh mountains, and largely manufactured by hand.

{Welsh glaive}, or {Welsh hook}, a weapon of war used in former times by the Welsh, commonly regarded as a kind of poleax. --Fairholt. --Craig.

{Welsh mortgage} (O. Eng. Law), a species of mortgage, being a conveyance of an estate, redeemable at any time on payment of the principal, with an understanding that the profits in the mean time shall be received by the mortgagee without account, in satisfaction of interest. --Burrill.

{Welsh mutton}, a choice and delicate kind of mutton obtained from a breed of small sheep in Wales.

{Welsh onion} (Bot.), a kind of onion ({Allium fistulosum}) having hollow inflated stalks and leaves, but scarcely any bulb, a native of Siberia. It is said to have been introduced from Germany, and is supposed to have derived its name from the German term w["a]lsch foreign.

{Welsh parsley}, hemp, or halters made from hemp. [Obs. & Jocular] --J. Fletcher.

{Welsh rabbit}. See under {Rabbit}. [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • Welsh rabbit — the dish of cheese on toast, has no obvious connection with the Welsh or with rabbits, but has been known in this form since the early 18c (and is the name used in Mrs Glasse s The Art of Cookery in 1747). Its origin is obscure, as is the… …   Modern English usage

  • Welsh rabbit — n. [orig. a humorous usage] a dish consisting of melted cheese, often mixed with ale or beer, served on crackers or toast: also, through faulty etymologizing, Welsh rarebit …   English World dictionary

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  • Welsh rabbit — [18] Despite the proverbial liking of the Welsh for cheese, there is no known connection between Wales and the Welsh rabbit; it is thought the epithet may reflect an earlier humorous use of Welsh for inferior things or substitutes for the real… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • Welsh rabbit — [18] Despite the proverbial liking of the Welsh for cheese, there is no known connection between Wales and the Welsh rabbit; it is thought the epithet may reflect an earlier humorous use of Welsh for inferior things or substitutes for the real… …   Word origins

  • welsh rare bit, welsh rare bits ou welsh rabbit, welsh rabbits — ● welsh rare bit, welsh rare bits ou welsh rabbit, welsh rabbits nom masculin (anglais welsh rare bit, morceau de choix gallois, déformé en welsh rabbit, lapin gallois) Toast doré couvert de fromage fondu dans de l ale et relevé de moutarde douce …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Welsh Rabbit — Welsh|rab|bit [ wɛlʃ ræbɪt; engl., eigtl. = walisisches Kaninchen, viell. nach der Form], Welsh|rare|bit [ wɛlʃ rɛəbɪt], der; s, s, (auch:) Welsh Rab|bit, Welsh Rare|bit, der; s, s [engl., eigtl. = Waliser Leckerbissen, 2. Bestandteil wohl… …   Universal-Lexikon

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