
Wigeon Wi"geon, n. (Zo["o]l.) A widgeon. [R.] [1913 Webster]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English. 2000.

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  • wigeon — [wij′ən] n. [prob. < MFr vigeon < L vipio, small crane, of Balearic orig.] any of certain wild freshwater ducks; esp., a) the Eurasian wigeon ( Anas penelope), the male of which has a cream colored crown and reddish brown head and neck b)… …   English World dictionary

  • wigeon — (also widgeon) ► NOUN ▪ a dabbling duck with mainly reddish brown and grey plumage, the male having a whistling call. ORIGIN perhaps of imitative origin and suggested by PIGEON(Cf. ↑pigeon) …   English terms dictionary

  • Wigeon — Widgeon redirects here. For other uses, see Widgeon (disambiguation). Wigeons Male (rear) and female (front) Eurasian Wigeons Scientific classification Kingdom …   Wikipedia

  • wigeon — /wij euhn/, n., pl. wigeons, (esp. collectively) wigeon. widgeon. * * * or widgeon Any of four species of dabbling ducks, popular game and food birds. The male European wigeon (Anas penelope) has a reddish head, cream forehead, and gray back. The …   Universalium

  • wigeon — or widgeon noun (plural wigeon or wigeons or widgeon or widgeons) Etymology: origin unknown Date: 1513 any of several freshwater ducks (genus Anas): as a. an Old World duck (Anas penelope) having a large white patch on each wing with the male… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • wigeon — noun Any of three freshwater dabbling ducks …   Wiktionary

  • wigeon — n. widgeon, freshwater Eurasian duck having a white spot on each wing; wild freshwater North American duck having a shiny white crown …   English contemporary dictionary

  • wigeon — [ wɪdʒ(ə)n] (also widgeon) noun a dabbling duck with mainly reddish brown and grey plumage, the male having a whistling call. [Anas penelope (Eurasia) and A. americana (N. America).] Origin C16: perh. of imitative origin and suggested by pigeon1 …   English new terms dictionary

  • wigeon — wig•eon [[t]ˈwɪdʒ ən[/t]] n. pl. eons, (esp. collectively) eon. orn either of two dabbling ducks, Anas americana, of North America, and A. penelope, of Eurasia, having white patches on the forewings • Etymology: 1505–15 …   From formal English to slang

  • wigeon — /ˈwɪdʒən/ (say wijuhn) noun → widgeon …  

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