bottom fermentation — noun A slow alcoholic fermentation process carried out at low temperatures during which the yeast sinks to the bottom of the liquid. Used in brewing lager type beers. Ant: top fermentation … Wiktionary
bottom fermentation — /bɒtəm fɜmɛnˈteɪʃən/ (say botuhm fermen tayshuhn) noun a brewing method using a strain of yeast that sinks to the bottom of the vessel at the completion of fermentation, producing new beer or lager. Compare top fermentation …
bottom fermentation — noun a slow kind of alcoholic fermentation at a temperature low enough that the yeast cells can sink to the bottom of the fermenting liquid; used in the production of lager • Hypernyms: ↑zymosis, ↑zymolysis, ↑fermentation, ↑fermenting, ↑ferment … Useful english dictionary
bottom fermentation — noun the process by which lagers are fermented, proceeding at low temperature with the yeast falling to the bottom … English new terms dictionary
bottom fermenting yeast — noun brewer s yeast used in bottom fermentation of lager • Hypernyms: ↑brewer s yeast … Useful english dictionary
Fermentation (wine) — Fermenting must. The process of fermentation in wine turns grape juice into an alcoholic beverage. During fermentation, yeast interact with sugars in the juice to create ethanol, commonly known as ethyl alcohol, and carbon dioxide (as a … Wikipedia
bottom yeast — noun : a yeast that is present in the manufacture of wine and lager beer and that separates after fermentation on the bottom of the fermenting vessel * * * a yeast whose cells, in the manufacture of wine and lager beer, fall to the bottom as a… … Useful english dictionary
bottom-fermenting yeast — žemutinio rūgimo alaus mielės statusas Aprobuotas sritis alkoholis apibrėžtis Alaus mielės, kurios, fermentuojant alaus misą, visiškai suraugina rafinozę, geriausiai veikia 8–12 °C temperatūroje ir, pasibaigus fermentavimui, paprastai nusėda ant… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
top fermentation — noun a violent kind of alcoholic fermentation at a temperature high enough to carry the yeast cells to the top of the fermenting liquid; used in the production of ale top fermentation uses a yeast that ferments at higher temperatures than that… … Useful english dictionary
top fermentation — /ˌtɒp fɜmɛnˈteɪʃən/ (say .top fermen tayshuhn) noun a brewing method using a strain of yeast that rises to the top of the vessel at the completion of fermentation, producing old beer or ale. Compare bottom fermentation …