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Braunite — is a silicate mineral containing both di and tri valent manganese with the chemical formula: Mn2+Mn3+6SiO12. Common impurities include iron, calcium, boron, barium, titanium, aluminium, and magnesium.Braunite forms grey/black tetragonal crystals… … Wikipedia
braunite — ● braunite nom féminin (de Braun, nom propre) Silicate naturel de manganèse, de formule 3Mn2O3,MnSiO3, qu on exploite comme minerai de manganèse … Encyclopédie Universelle
braunite — braunitas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Mineralas. formulė Mn²⁺Mn₆⁴⁺[O₈|SiO₄] atitikmenys: angl. braunite rus. браунит … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
braunite — /brow nuyt/, n. an ore of manganese, 3Mn2O3·MnSiO3. [1830 40; named after A. E. Braun (1809 56), German official; see ITE1] * * * … Universalium
braunite — noun A silicate mineral containing divalent and trivalent manganese and forming grey black tetragonal crystals … Wiktionary
braunite — braun·ite … English syllables
braunite — /ˈbraʊnaɪt/ (say brownuyt) noun a mineral, manganese oxide and silicate, Mn7SiO12, an ore of manganese. {named after AE Braun, 1809–56, German archaeologist} …
braunite — ˈbrau̇ˌnīt noun ( s) Etymology: Councilor Braun, 19th century German treasury official + English ite : a brittle brownish black or steel gray mineral that consists of manganese silicate and occurs massive and as tetragonal crystals (hardness 6… … Useful english dictionary
Braunit — Chemische Formel Mn2+Mn3+6[O8|SiO4] Mineralklasse Silicate und Germanate 9.AG.05 (8. Auflage: VIII/B.09 03) (nach Strunz … Deutsch Wikipedia
braunit — BRAUNÍT s.n. Oxid de mangan cu luciu semimetalic, constituind un important minereu de mangan. – Din fr. braunite. Trimis de valeriu, 21.03.2003. Sursa: DEX 98 braunít s. n. (sil. brau ) Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic… … Dicționar Român